Available Custom Hand-Forged Pipe-Tomahawks
During colonial times, the pipe-tomahawk was by far the most popular type of tomahawk. No other type was forged in so many different designs and materials.
First appearing in the early years of the 18th. century, pipe-tomahawks quickly became popular among the accoutrements of the Native American Indian.
The British called them "smoak tomahawks" and the French as a calumet, but they were symbols of both war and peace combined in a single instrument.
The inventor of the pipe-tomahawk is unknown, but in all probability, it was a blacksmith who had the terrific idea of forging a pipe bowl on top of a trade or boarding axe, visualizing the attraction that it would have as a trade item on the vast North American frontier.
AVAILABLE - NEW - MARCH 8/2025 - PH58 Pipe Tomahawk. Turned bowl.
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PH58 PIPE TOMAHAWK. Hand-forged by traditional 18th century methods. This pipe hawk has a 7 3/4" high head overall. Filework on the side of the blade. Ash haft 18 3/4" long with a partial rawhide wrap and brass tacks. The haft is drilled and this hawk can be smoked. A very nice reproduction pipe axe that is a reminder of an era past. Comes with a leather blade guard/sheath. Price $550.00 - FREE SHIPPING TO THE USA AND CANADA.
PH57 Pipe-Tomahawk. Hand-forged by traditional 18th century methods. This pipe hawk has a 7 3/8" high head overall. File work on the front and side of the blade. Turned bowl. Ash haft is 18 3/8" long with a partial rawhide wrap and iron tacks. Forged clean out plug. The haft is drilled and this hawk can be smoked. A very nice reproduction pipe axe that is a reminder of an era past. Comes with a leather blade guard/sheath. Price $550.00 plus $18 shipping. (USA - Canada)
PH55 Pipe-Tomahawk. Hand-forged by traditional 18th century methods. This pipe hawk has a 8" high head overall. Filework on the front and side of the blade. Ash haft 18 1/2" long with a partial rawhide wrap and brass tacks. The haft is drilled and this hawk can be smoked. A very nice reproduction pipe axe that is a reminder of an era past. Comes with a leather blade guard/sheath. Price $495.00 plus $18 shipping. (USA - Canada)
PH50 Pipe-Tomahawk. Hand-forged by traditional 18th century methods. This pipe hawk has a 7 7/8" high head overall. Filework on the front and side of the blade. Ash haft 18" long with a partial rawhide wrap and brass tacks. The haft is drilled and this hawk can be smoked. Threaded iron clean out plug. A very nice reproduction pipe axe that is a reminder of an era past. Comes with a leather blade guard/sheath. Shipping. (USA - Canada)
PH49 Pipe-Tomahawk. Hand-forged by traditional 18th century methods. This pipe hawk has a 8 1/8" high head overall. Solid brass pipe bowl. Iron endcap with threaded clean out plug. Filework on the front and sides of the blade with moldings. Beautiful curly ash haft decorated with a rawhide wrap and brass tacks. The haft is drilled and this hawk can be smoked. Leather sheath. A very nice hand forged pipe tomahawk that is a reminder of an era past. Shipping. (USA - Canada)
#PH46 Pipe-Tomahawk. Hand-forged by traditional 18th century methods. This pipe hawk has a 7 5/8" high head and a 2 1/2" wide cutting edge. Front and side moldings and filework. Beautiful ash haft 18" long, lightly decorated with a partial rawhide wrap and brass tacks. The haft is drilled and this hawk can be smoked. Turned iron clean out plug with blued end cap. A very nice reproduction pipe tomahawk that is a reminder of an era past. Comes with a leather blade guard/sheath. Shipping. (USA - Canada)
PH41 Pipe-Tomahawk. Hand-forged by traditional 18th century methods. This pipe hawk has a 8" high head overall. Turned pipe bowl. Filework on the front and side of the blade. Beautiful ash haft 18" long with a partial leather wrap and brass tacks. The haft is drilled and this hawk can be smoked. A very nice reproduction pipe axe that is a reminder of an era past. Comes with a leather blade guard/sheath. Shipping. (USA - Canada)
#PH40 Pipe-Tomahawk. Hand-forged by traditional 18th century methods. This pipe hawk has a 7 1/2" high head and a 2 5/8" wide cutting edge. Beautiful ash haft 18" long, lightly decorated with a partial leather wrap and brass tacks. The haft is drilled and this hawk can be smoked. Turned walnut clean out plug. A very nice reproduction pipe tomahawk that is a reminder of an era past. Comes with a leather blade guard/sheath. Shipping. (USA - Canada)
PH29 Pipe-Tomahawk. Hand-forged by traditional 18th century methods. This pipe hawk has a 8 1/8" high head overall. Filework on the front and side of the blade. Ash haft 18 3/4" long with a partial rawhide wrap and brass tacks. The haft is drilled and this hawk can be smoked. A very nice reproduction pipe axe that is a reminder of an era past. Comes with a leather blade guard/sheath. Shipping. (USA - Canada)
PH24 Pipe-Tomahawk. Hand-forged by traditional 18th century methods. This pipe hawk has a 8" high head overall. Filework on the front and side of the blade. Beautiful white oak haft 19" long decorated with line carvings and brass tacks. The haft is drilled and this hawk can be smoked. Iron endcap with threaded clean out plug. Comes with a leather sheath. A very nice reproduction pipe tomahawk that is a reminder of an era past. Shipping. (USA and Canada)
PH23 Pipe-Tomahawk. Hand-forged by traditional 18th century methods. This pipe hawk has a 7 3/4" high head overall. The pipe bowl is threaded and removable. Filework on the front and side of the blade. Beautiful ash haft 18 3/4" long with a partial rawhide wrap and brass tacks. The haft is drilled and this hawk can be smoked. Engraved head and bowl. A very nice reproduction pipe axe that is a reminder of an era past. Comes with a leather blade guard/sheath. Shipping. (USA - Canada)
#PH27 Native-American Spontoon Pipe Tomahawk. Hand-forged by traditional 18th century methods. This pipe hawk has a 9 3/4" high head overall. Beautiful antiqued osage orange haft 18" long. The haft is drilled and this hawk can be smoked. Threaded brass clean out plug and brass endcap. Lightly decorated with a buffalo hide wrap, copper cones with horse hair tassels and trade beads. A very nice reproduction pipe tomahawk that is a reminder of an era past. Shipping. (USA and Canada)
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